Header Targeted Campaigns 1


Maximize Tax Season Sales, Recapture Unsold Prospects, and Retain More Current Customers.

  • Complete Campaigns Ready Now
  • High Deliverable Email Design
  • Option Outbound Call Service
  • Leads sent Directly to your CRM
  • Tracking Phone Number
  • Phone Routing and Quick Response
  • Data Extraction and Preparation
  • Included Landing Page
  • Included Smart Form
  • Real time monitoring and Reports


Lead Generator Email Campaigns

Email campaigns is still one of the most powerful tools to bring your dealership reach to the next level. Email campaigns make the buying process faster and offer one of the most effective ROI. Retain your current customers and don’t let a single lead fall through the cracks ever again.

payheremarketing targeted campaigns email
targeted campaign postcard

Postcards for Targeted Direct Mail

Reach new customers in no time by a Targeted Direct Mail strategy. An affordable and effective way to acquire new customers and engage existing ones.
We’ve made it really simple for you, all the creative assets are handled by our designers.

Facebook Posts and Google My Business

Vehicle seekers are actively looking for car all the time, are you appearing on their searches? Don’t be invisible to them! Let us help you make sure, professionally designed social posts are there to greet them and guide them through your sales funnel.

fb post targeted campaign

A Matching Website Banner for your Site

We’ll get you fully ready to convert your visitors into Hot Leads. Having a matching message on your site will help you close the lead funnel you started by email or social media.

Why risk losing business while you remain invisible?

We bring World-Class Automotive Industry experience to your dealership

Let's get you up and running today!

Contact us and let us know a little more about your dealership.

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